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Clinic and fees 

Please allow 1hr and 30 mins for your initial consultation. We will discuss both your current and past health history. 


Please bring any relevant blood test results together with any prescription medications and supplements.


I will need you to fill in a 3 day diet diary - or longer if you are able!


It may be that I require you undertake some functional testing (at extra cost) in order to resolve the cause of your symptoms. I can offer a full range of stool, urine, salivary and blood testing.


All appointments include the cost of full plan for you to follow based on our findings during these consultations.


Initial consultation: £75.00

Follow up consultations: £45.00


Particularly for weight loss I recommend booking a course of fortnightly sessions to keep you on track. I offer a discounted block of 6 for £275.00

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